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Home > Our Products > Weighing Scales > Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow

Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow
Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow

Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow


Tags: Weighing Scales

Item Code: 808

Vintage Set of Graduated Metric Weights by Thomson, Skinner & Hamilton Glasgow

Brass weights 1 - 100 Grams

Alloy Weights 2 - 100 Milligrams

Complete with Brass Tweezers

Circa Mid 20th C


2" high x 5 1/2" wide x 3" deep (50mm x 140mm x 75mm)