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Vintage Map of the London Midland and Scottish Railway and its Connections Printed in 1939
Vintage Official Railway Map of Scotland Published by the British Transport Commission Railway Clearing House London 1960
Vintage Burroughes & Watts Ltd London Snooker Cue Holder
Antique E.J.Riley Ltd Accrington One Piece Snooker Cue
Vintage Replica 1828 Pattern Scottish Broadsword
Victorian Walnut Marquetry Inlaid Freestanding Davenport
Victorian Sharp Gothic Steeple Mantel Clock with Alarm by Jerome & Co New Haven USA
Antique 1897 Pattern Picquet Weight British Infantry Officer's Sword with Brown Leather Scabbard by Hill Brothers 3 Old Bond Street London
Vintage Decca The Rally Gramophone Player with Snakeskin Effect Case
Vintage MABEF M24 Professional Table Top Easel

Vintage Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge with "BYDAND" Motto
Vintage Scots Guards Cap Badge with Motto Nemo Me Impune Lacassit
Arts & Crafts Oak Liberty Style Hexagonal Sewing Box
Militaria 6th Volunteer Battalion The Royal Scots Cap Badge
Sorry Now SoldVictorian Leather Bound Jewellery Box Complete with Lock & Key
Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge
Oak Bow Backed Captains Office Chair
Militaria 92nd Gordon Highlanders Glengarry Badge with XCII and Battle Honours
Vintage Mahogany Counter Top Cash Register

Vintage Wm Youngers Tartan Keg "Get Younger Every Day" Beer Advertising Figure