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Vintage Burroughes & Watts Ltd London Snooker Cue Holder
Antique E.J.Riley Ltd Accrington One Piece Snooker Cue
Vintage Chad Valley Tin Lithograph World Globe
Vintage Triang Jones KL44 Pressed Steel Mobile Crane
Vintage Louis Marx Lumar Contractors Pressed Steel Crane
Sorry Now SoldVintage Mettoy Clockwork Tractor with Tipping Trailer, Mowing Machine and Hay Rake
Vintage Wooden Model Avro Lancaster Bomber
Antique Sun Sculpture Stereoscope and 50 Photos Manufactured by Underwood & Underwood New York
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Antique Magic Lantern with Beards Eclipse Patent Slide Carrier

Vintage Triang RS.4 Electric Train Set OO / HO Gauge
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