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Arts & Crafts Oak Liberty Style Hexagonal Sewing Box

Arts & Crafts Oak Liberty Style Hexagonal Sewing Box


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Male Mannequin Head

Vintage Male Mannequin Head


Vintage Female Mannequin Head

Vintage Female Mannequin Head


Antique Dark Oak Gentleman's Clothes Valet / Press

Antique Dark Oak Gentleman's Clothes Valet / Press


Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture

Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture


Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Military Glengarry

Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Military Glengarry

£28 each

Vintage Motorcycle Gauntlets English Made Brand Black Leather Wool Lined

Vintage Motorcycle Gauntlets English Made Brand Black Leather Wool Lined


Vintage Military / Safari / Jungle Pith Helmet

Vintage Military / Safari / Jungle Pith Helmet


Antique Military / Safari Pith Helmet

Antique Military / Safari Pith Helmet


Vintage Cased Chinese Fan Pierced Wood Design

Vintage Cased Chinese Fan Pierced Wood Design


Vintage Spanish Fan Bullfighter Design

Vintage Spanish Fan Bullfighter Design


Vintage Oriental Fan Floral and Butterfly Design

Vintage Oriental Fan Floral and Butterfly Design


Vintage Gordon's School Boys Glengarry with Gordons Badge and Motto ‘SEMPER FIDELIS’ meaning ‘Ever Faithful’

Vintage Gordon's School Boys Glengarry with Gordons Badge and Motto ‘SEMPER FIDELIS’ meaning ‘Ever Faithful’


Vintage Bowler Hat by G.A.Dunne & Co London

Vintage Bowler Hat by G.A.Dunne & Co London


Vintage RAF Officers Peaked Cap Kings Crown Bullion Badge

Vintage RAF Officers Peaked Cap Kings Crown Bullion Badge


Vintage Musquash Dress Sporran with Thistle Design Cantle

Vintage Musquash Dress Sporran with Thistle Design Cantle


Sorry Now Sold Edwardian Childs Military Horse Hair Sporran

Edwardian Childs Military Horse Hair Sporran


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Sooty and Sweep Hand Puppets

Vintage Sooty and Sweep Hand Puppets


Vintage Military Kilt The Royal Regiment of Scotland

Vintage Military Kilt The Royal Regiment of Scotland


Vintage 'Victory Girl' Leather Biker Cap and Choker Set

Vintage 'Victory Girl' Leather Biker Cap and Choker Set


Vintage Ziegler M34 German Fireman's Helmet

Vintage Ziegler M34 German Fireman's Helmet


Rare Antique Norah Wellings Sailor Cloth Doll R.M.S. Almanzora

Rare Antique Norah Wellings Sailor Cloth Doll R.M.S. Almanzora


Vintage Leather Shotgun Cartridge Belt

Vintage Leather Shotgun Cartridge Belt


Antique Needlepoint Woolwork Tapestry Scottish Rural Couple

Antique Needlepoint Woolwork Tapestry Scottish Rural Couple


Vintage Scottish Jacobite Day Wear Sporran

Vintage Scottish Jacobite Day Wear Sporran


Vintage Scottish Day Wear Sporran

Vintage Scottish Day Wear Sporran


Vintage RAF Beret with White Metal Cap Badge

Vintage RAF Beret with White Metal Cap Badge


Antique Pair of Felt Ankle Gaiters Buttoned on the Inner Legs and Secured with Leather Straps

Antique Pair of Felt Ankle Gaiters Buttoned on the Inner Legs and Secured with Leather Straps


Vintage RAF Ordinary Airman's Peaked Cap c/w Brass Cap Badge

Vintage RAF Ordinary Airman's Peaked Cap c/w Brass Cap Badge


Victorian Large Woolwork Tapestry "The Drover's Departure" from the Original Oil Painting by Sir Edwin Landseer in 1835

Victorian Large Woolwork Tapestry "The Drover's Departure" from the Original Oil Painting by Sir Edwin Landseer in 1835


Sorry Now Sold Antique Rawhide Pigskin Mill Bucket with Steel Label C34

Antique Rawhide Pigskin Mill Bucket with Steel Label C34


Sorry Now Sold Vintage WW2 Gordon Highlanders Officers Leather Sporran

Vintage WW2 Gordon Highlanders Officers Leather Sporran


Antique Framed Oriental Silk Embroidery Panel Exotic Birds and Flowering Tree

Antique Framed Oriental Silk Embroidery Panel Exotic Birds and Flowering Tree


Sorry Now Sold British Army Issue Tam O Shanter with Queens Own Highlanders (Seaforth / Cameron Highlanders) Patch and Badge

British Army Issue Tam O Shanter with Queens Own Highlanders (Seaforth / Cameron Highlanders) Patch and Badge


Royal Stewart Tartan Masonic Apron

Royal Stewart Tartan Masonic Apron


Dutch Wall Hanging Tapestry "The Sewing Class"

Dutch Wall Hanging Tapestry "The Sewing Class"


Pair Vintage Ice Skates

Pair Vintage Ice Skates


Pair Gents Leather Riding Boots

Pair Gents Leather Riding Boots


Sorry Now Sold Edwardian Walnut Sampler Fire Screen

Edwardian Walnut Sampler Fire Screen


Alligator Collar Box & Collars

Alligator Collar Box & Collars


Walnut Footstool Beaded Covers

Walnut Footstool Beaded Covers


Victorian Mahogany Beadwork Footstool

Victorian Mahogany Beadwork Footstool


Tapestry of a Peacock

Tapestry of a Peacock


Pair 19th Century Embroidered Panels Boy and Girl

Pair 19th Century Embroidered Panels Boy and Girl


Childs Fabric Topped Folding Stool

Childs Fabric Topped Folding Stool


Needlepoint / Tapestry Upholstered Mahogany Fender Footstool

Needlepoint / Tapestry Upholstered Mahogany Fender Footstool


Walnut Needlepoint Footstool

Walnut Needlepoint Footstool
