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Vintage Burroughes & Watts Ltd London Snooker Cue Holder

Vintage Burroughes & Watts Ltd London Snooker Cue Holder


Antique E.J.Riley Ltd Accrington One Piece Snooker Cue

Antique E.J.Riley Ltd Accrington One Piece Snooker Cue


Sorry Now Sold Antique Leather Spirit Flask Holder

Antique Leather Spirit Flask Holder


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Pair of Limited Edition Prints by Braemar Artist Willie Forbes, Plate 1 "Dawn before the Twelfth" and Plate 2 "The First Drive" Both Numbered No 71 of 750 and Signed W Forbes

Vintage Pair of Limited Edition Prints by Braemar Artist Willie Forbes, Plate 1 "Dawn before the Twelfth" and Plate 2 "The First Drive" Both Numbered No 71 of 750 and Signed W Forbes


WW1 Military Binoculars Manufactured by Dollond London in a Leather Case Retailed by J Cripps London 1916, the Case is also Marked J Cubitt (presumably the owner)

WW1 Military Binoculars Manufactured by Dollond London in a Leather Case Retailed by J Cripps London 1916, the Case is also Marked J Cubitt (presumably the owner)


Vintage Richards Sheffield Scout Knife with Main Blade and Marlin Spike

Vintage Richards Sheffield Scout Knife with Main Blade and Marlin Spike


Walking / Stalking Stag Horn Handle Thumb Sticks

Walking / Stalking Stag Horn Handle Thumb Sticks

£65 each

Vintage Angler's Landing Net Flamed Bamboo Shaft with Brass Ends

Vintage Angler's Landing Net Flamed Bamboo Shaft with Brass Ends


Antique Walnut Console / Card Table

Antique Walnut Console / Card Table


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Wooden Cased Table Tennis Set

Vintage Wooden Cased Table Tennis Set


Vintage Smiths Shockproof Stopwatch

Vintage Smiths Shockproof Stopwatch


Vintage Leather 'Leg Of Mutton' Gun Case

Vintage Leather 'Leg Of Mutton' Gun Case


Victorian Child's Wooden Screw On Ice Skates

Victorian Child's Wooden Screw On Ice Skates


Vintage SD&G New York Boxing Gloves Brown / Tan Leather

Vintage SD&G New York Boxing Gloves Brown / Tan Leather


Vintage Set of Crystalate Billiard Balls in Original Box

Vintage Set of Crystalate Billiard Balls in Original Box


Vintage Webley Mk1 Sports Starting Pistol

Vintage Webley Mk1 Sports Starting Pistol


Vintage Hercules Leather Bicycle Seat

Vintage Hercules Leather Bicycle Seat


WW2 Swedish Mauser 5 Pouch Ammo Bandolier Belt

WW2 Swedish Mauser 5 Pouch Ammo Bandolier Belt


Vintage Small Sheath Knife G Butler & Co Sheffield England In Leather Sheath

Vintage Small Sheath Knife G Butler & Co Sheffield England In Leather Sheath


Victorian Leather Saddle Flask with Glass Flask and Silver Plated Top

Victorian Leather Saddle Flask with Glass Flask and Silver Plated Top


Vintage Skipping Rope with Brass Bell

Vintage Skipping Rope with Brass Bell


Vintage Swaine & Adeney Riding Crop with Silver Collar and Pin

Vintage Swaine & Adeney Riding Crop with Silver Collar and Pin


Vintage Silver Mounted Stag Horn Riding Crop / Whip Hallmarked F Narborough Birmingham 1932

Vintage Silver Mounted Stag Horn Riding Crop / Whip Hallmarked F Narborough Birmingham 1932


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Folding Pocket Binoculars 2.5 x 2.5 mm in Original Box

Vintage Folding Pocket Binoculars 2.5 x 2.5 mm in Original Box


Vintage Horn Handled Knife in Leather Sheath Tang Marked Bell Bowie

Vintage Horn Handled Knife in Leather Sheath Tang Marked Bell Bowie


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Leather Handled William Rogers I Cut My Way Knife in Leather Sheath

Vintage Leather Handled William Rogers I Cut My Way Knife in Leather Sheath


Vintage Leather Shotgun Cartridge Belt

Vintage Leather Shotgun Cartridge Belt


Vintage Oleograph Painting of Golfer in a Carvers and Guilders Gilded Wood Frame

Vintage Oleograph Painting of Golfer in a Carvers and Guilders Gilded Wood Frame


Vintage 12 Gauge Cartridge Belt

Vintage 12 Gauge Cartridge Belt


Antique Gun Powder Flask Leather and Brass

Antique Gun Powder Flask Leather and Brass


Late Victorian Walnut Folding Cradle Base Gaming Table

Late Victorian Walnut Folding Cradle Base Gaming Table


Vintage Wooden "Sandy's Sports" Advertising Sign

Vintage Wooden "Sandy's Sports" Advertising Sign


Vintage Roulette Casino Gaming Set

Vintage Roulette Casino Gaming Set


Vintage Faux Bamboo Riding Crop / Whip with Silver Mount

Vintage Faux Bamboo Riding Crop / Whip with Silver Mount


Vintage Fishing Creel Basket

Vintage Fishing Creel Basket


Vintage Skittles Trophy 1954 and Presentation Tray 1964

Vintage Skittles Trophy 1954 and Presentation Tray 1964


Vintage Mahogany Snooker Scoreboard E.J.Riley Ltd Accrington

Vintage Mahogany Snooker Scoreboard E.J.Riley Ltd Accrington


Sorry Now Sold Silver Plated Engine Turned Whisky Flask Monogramed HJA

Silver Plated Engine Turned Whisky Flask Monogramed HJA


Vintage Set of 3 Silver Plated Gilt Stirrup Cups in Leather case Carmichael Hull

Vintage Set of 3 Silver Plated Gilt Stirrup Cups in Leather case Carmichael Hull


Antique Black Leather Plaited Linen Riding Whip / Crop

Antique Black Leather Plaited Linen Riding Whip / Crop


Antique Silver Mounted Riding Crop Hallmarked WM London 1884

Antique Silver Mounted Riding Crop Hallmarked WM London 1884


Vintage German Blitz Size 30 Adjustable Ice Skates

Vintage German Blitz Size 30 Adjustable Ice Skates


Antique Pair of Lawn Bowls Size 3 Nos 1 & 2 Marked "M" on Bone Inserts

Antique Pair of Lawn Bowls Size 3 Nos 1 & 2 Marked "M" on Bone Inserts


Antique Brass Bodied 12B Combination Shotgun Cartridge Roll Over Tool with Cartridge Extractor and Brass Capping / De-capping Tool

Antique Brass Bodied 12B Combination Shotgun Cartridge Roll Over Tool with Cartridge Extractor and Brass Capping / De-capping Tool


Vintage Snooker Scoreboard

Vintage Snooker Scoreboard


Vintage Folding Case Opera / Field Glasses

Vintage Folding Case Opera / Field Glasses


Vintage NSU Rubberised and Sprung Bicycle Saddle

Vintage NSU Rubberised and Sprung Bicycle Saddle


Sorry Now Sold Antique Cast Iron Bicycle Stand

Antique Cast Iron Bicycle Stand


Pair of Binoculars / Galilean Field Glasses

Pair of Binoculars / Galilean Field Glasses


Horn Handled Hunting Knife in Deer Skin Sheath

Horn Handled Hunting Knife in Deer Skin Sheath


Pair of Antique Indian Exercise Clubs / Pins

Pair of Antique Indian Exercise Clubs / Pins


French Binoculars Verres 8

French Binoculars Verres 8


Vintage Canvas / Leather Rucksack

Vintage Canvas / Leather Rucksack


Pair Vintage Ice Skates

Pair Vintage Ice Skates


Pair Gents Leather Riding Boots

Pair Gents Leather Riding Boots


Vintage Canvas and Leather Metal Framed Rucksack

Vintage Canvas and Leather Metal Framed Rucksack


Vintage Exercise Rowing Machine

Vintage Exercise Rowing Machine


Framed Salmon Files

Framed Salmon Files

£10 each

Bronze Effect Resin Sculpture of Fisherman Landing a Fish

Bronze Effect Resin Sculpture of Fisherman Landing a Fish


Sorry Now Sold Canvas and Leather Brass Bound Cartridge Case

Canvas and Leather Brass Bound Cartridge Case


19th Century Cartridge Rolling Tool

19th Century Cartridge Rolling Tool


Signed Print of Jairzinho Brazil

Signed Print of Jairzinho Brazil


Leather Bound Ammunition Bag

Leather Bound Ammunition Bag
