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Vintage Map of the London Midland and Scottish Railway and its Connections Printed in 1939
Vintage Official Railway Map of Scotland Published by the British Transport Commission Railway Clearing House London 1960
Vintage Replica 1828 Pattern Scottish Broadsword

Vintage Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge with "BYDAND" Motto
Vintage Scots Guards Cap Badge with Motto Nemo Me Impune Lacassit
Militaria 6th Volunteer Battalion The Royal Scots Cap Badge
Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge
Militaria 92nd Gordon Highlanders Glengarry Badge with XCII and Battle Honours
Rare Antique Clock Shaped Mauchline Ware Penny Bank 'Royal Exchange Glasgow'
Sorry Now SoldVintage Scottish Sgian Dubh with Silver Plated Mounts
Victorian Engraving "The Highland Whisky Still" Engraved by Robert Graves from the Painting by Sir Edwin Landseer
Antique Walnut & Gilt Framed Photo Print of Sheep on a Hillside Near Ballater By Victorian Photographer Charles Reid
Sorry Now SoldVintage Replica Scottish Basket Hilt Broadsword
Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Military Glengarry
£28 each
Sorry Now SoldRenaissance Revival Scottish Basket Hilted Broadsword
Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge
Sorry Now SoldGordon Highlanders "Bydand" Cap Badge
The Royal Scots Cap Badge
Vintage Sterling Silver Scottish Shield Brooch
Vintage Sterling Silver Celtic Design Plaid Brooch
Sorry Now Sold
Vintage Scottish Oak Church Bible Stand / Book Rest
Sorry Now Sold
Vintage Set of Whyte & Mackay Special Reserve Scotch Whisky Dominos
Antique Mauchline Ware Cylinder Needle Box with Transfers of Edinburgh Castle from Princess Street and Albert Memorial Edinburgh
Vintage Musquash Dress Sporran with Thistle Design Cantle
Sorry Now SoldEdwardian Childs Military Horse Hair Sporran
Vintage Silver Plated 'Famous Grouse Whisky' Drinks Tray
1st Argyll Highland Rifle Volunteers Cap Badge
Sorry Now Sold42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foot (Became The Black Watch) Cap Badge
Vintage Large Scottish Thistle Design & Amber Rhinestone Brooch
Vintage Sterling Silver Scottish Thistle Brooch with Green / Purple Speckled Stone
Antique Mauchline Ware Sewing Needle Box Broomielaw Bridge Glasgow
Antique Mauchline Ware Toddy Glass Holder Royal Exchange Glasgow c/w Toddy Glass
Vintage Scottish Dirk Kilt Pin White Metal and Faux Agate Stones
Vintage Military Kilt The Royal Regiment of Scotland
Vintage Lovat's Scouts White Metal Cap Badge c/w 2 Lugs and New Pin
Sorry Now SoldVintage Arthur Osborne Ivorex Plaque Tam O' Shanter & Souter Johnnie at Inn with The Miller and the Landlady
Vintage Cloth Bartholomew's Maps of Scottish Regions
£9 each
Vintage Oil Painting of Robert Burns Signed H R Wilson (After the Original by Alexander Nasmyth in 1787)