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Vintage Wm Youngers Tartan Keg "Get Younger Every Day" Beer Advertising Figure
Art Deco Style Desktop Model Seaplane Flying Boat
Vintage Pair of Japanese Porcelain Vases and Plate Cobalt Blue and Gilt Floral Pheasant Design
Vintage Cold Painted Spelter Pheasant Match Striker with Wand
Vintage Pair of Amber Dimple Glass and Hammered Pewter Decanters with Hanging Labels for Whisky & Cognac
Antique Blue White Chinese Crackle Glaze Vase Brown Chenghua Nian Zhi Mark

Antique Blue / Gilt Comport / Tazza Cake Stand

Antique Pair of Terracotta Standard Lamps with Gilt Rope Detailing

Vintage Mounted Taxidermy Rams Horns

Vintage Large Highly Embellished Elephant Figure