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Home > Our Products > Militaria > Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle

Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle
Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle

Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle


Tags: Militaria

Item Code: 148

Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Glengarry with Cap Badge and Red Hackle

Badge has Regiment Motto "Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" (No one provokes me with impunity)


6" high x 13" long x 5" wide (150mm x 330mm x 125mm)