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Vintage Replica 1828 Pattern Scottish Broadsword

Vintage Replica 1828 Pattern Scottish Broadsword


Antique 1897 Pattern Picquet Weight British Infantry Officer's Sword with Brown Leather Scabbard by Hill Brothers 3 Old Bond Street London

Antique 1897 Pattern Picquet Weight British Infantry Officer's Sword with Brown Leather Scabbard by Hill Brothers 3 Old Bond Street London


Vintage Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge with "BYDAND" Motto

Vintage Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge with "BYDAND" Motto


Vintage Scots Guards Cap Badge with Motto Nemo Me Impune Lacassit

Vintage Scots Guards Cap Badge with Motto Nemo Me Impune Lacassit


Militaria 6th Volunteer Battalion The Royal Scots Cap Badge

Militaria 6th Volunteer Battalion The Royal Scots Cap Badge


Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge

Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge


Militaria 92nd Gordon Highlanders Glengarry Badge with XCII and Battle Honours

Militaria 92nd Gordon Highlanders Glengarry Badge with XCII and Battle Honours


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Replica Scottish Basket Hilt Broadsword

Vintage Replica Scottish Basket Hilt Broadsword


Vintage Wooden Model Avro Lancaster Bomber

Vintage Wooden Model Avro Lancaster Bomber


Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Military Glengarry

Vintage Royal Regiment of Scotland Military Glengarry

£28 each

Sorry Now Sold Renaissance Revival Scottish Basket Hilted Broadsword

Renaissance Revival Scottish Basket Hilted Broadsword


Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge

Cameron Highlanders Cap Badge


Sorry Now Sold Gordon Highlanders "Bydand" Cap Badge

Gordon Highlanders "Bydand" Cap Badge


The Royal Scots Cap Badge

The Royal Scots Cap Badge


WW1 Royal Artillery Sterling Silver & Gold Plated Sweetheart Brooch

WW1 Royal Artillery Sterling Silver & Gold Plated Sweetheart Brooch


Vintage Military Variable Magnification Telescope with Leather Carry Case Presented to Captain D S Blunt R.E

Vintage Military Variable Magnification Telescope with Leather Carry Case Presented to Captain D S Blunt R.E


Vintage Military / Safari / Jungle Pith Helmet

Vintage Military / Safari / Jungle Pith Helmet


Antique Military / Safari Pith Helmet

Antique Military / Safari Pith Helmet


Vintage Gordon's School Boys Glengarry with Gordons Badge and Motto ‘SEMPER FIDELIS’ meaning ‘Ever Faithful’

Vintage Gordon's School Boys Glengarry with Gordons Badge and Motto ‘SEMPER FIDELIS’ meaning ‘Ever Faithful’


WW2 Cast Iron Shovel Marked GRVI below Crown with Griffin Trade Mark

WW2 Cast Iron Shovel Marked GRVI below Crown with Griffin Trade Mark


Vintage RAF Officers Peaked Cap Kings Crown Bullion Badge

Vintage RAF Officers Peaked Cap Kings Crown Bullion Badge


WW1 Military Binoculars Manufactured by Dollond London in a Leather Case Retailed by J Cripps London 1916, the Case is also Marked J Cubitt (presumably the owner)

WW1 Military Binoculars Manufactured by Dollond London in a Leather Case Retailed by J Cripps London 1916, the Case is also Marked J Cubitt (presumably the owner)


Antique Sedbergh School Officer Training Corp (OTC) Swagger Stick

Antique Sedbergh School Officer Training Corp (OTC) Swagger Stick


Vintage Army Cadet Force Swagger Stick

Vintage Army Cadet Force Swagger Stick


Vintage Royal Armoured Corps Swagger Stick

Vintage Royal Armoured Corps Swagger Stick


The Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade Cap Badge

The Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade Cap Badge


1st Argyll Highland Rifle Volunteers Cap Badge

1st Argyll Highland Rifle Volunteers Cap Badge


Sorry Now Sold 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foot (Became The Black Watch) Cap Badge

42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foot (Became The Black Watch) Cap Badge


Vintage Set of 3 Military Bugles Copper / Brass with Plated Mouthpiece

Vintage Set of 3 Military Bugles Copper / Brass with Plated Mouthpiece

£35 Each

Sorry Now Sold WW1 Whangee Bamboo Swagger Stick with Sterling Silver Top 'The Kings Own' (Royal Lancaster Regiment)

WW1 Whangee Bamboo Swagger Stick with Sterling Silver Top 'The Kings Own' (Royal Lancaster Regiment)


Sorry Now Sold WW1 GRV 1897 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword and Parade Scabbard Made by Fenton Brothers Sheffield Sword Cutlers to the War Office

WW1 GRV 1897 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword and Parade Scabbard Made by Fenton Brothers Sheffield Sword Cutlers to the War Office


Vintage Military Kilt The Royal Regiment of Scotland

Vintage Military Kilt The Royal Regiment of Scotland


WW2 Brass Air Raid Warning / Gas Alarm Bell Marked G&J 1939

WW2 Brass Air Raid Warning / Gas Alarm Bell Marked G&J 1939


Vintage Kings Crown Warrant Officer's Military Cap Badge c/w Brass Backing Plate, Lugs and Pin

Vintage Kings Crown Warrant Officer's Military Cap Badge c/w Brass Backing Plate, Lugs and Pin


Vintage Lovat's Scouts White Metal Cap Badge c/w 2 Lugs and New Pin

Vintage Lovat's Scouts White Metal Cap Badge c/w 2 Lugs and New Pin


Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives

Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives


Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives

Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives


Sorry Now Sold Antique Cunard RMS Lusitania German Medal

Antique Cunard RMS Lusitania German Medal


Vintage Webley Mk1 Sports Starting Pistol

Vintage Webley Mk1 Sports Starting Pistol


WW2 Swedish Mauser 5 Pouch Ammo Bandolier Belt

WW2 Swedish Mauser 5 Pouch Ammo Bandolier Belt


Vintage Small Sheath Knife G Butler & Co Sheffield England In Leather Sheath

Vintage Small Sheath Knife G Butler & Co Sheffield England In Leather Sheath


Vintage Ziegler M34 German Fireman's Helmet

Vintage Ziegler M34 German Fireman's Helmet


Vintage Ayrshire Yeomanry (Earl of Carrick's Own) Cap Badge with Slider

Vintage Ayrshire Yeomanry (Earl of Carrick's Own) Cap Badge with Slider


Vintage Binoculars Ross London Spectacle 8 x 35 Solaross

Vintage Binoculars Ross London Spectacle 8 x 35 Solaross


Sorry Now Sold Rare Victorian Tinsel Print 'Admiral Lord Nelson'

Rare Victorian Tinsel Print 'Admiral Lord Nelson'


Sorry Now Sold Antique Japanese Musha Ningyo Samurai Warriors in Original Signed Wooden Box

Antique Japanese Musha Ningyo Samurai Warriors in Original Signed Wooden Box


Vintage 12 Gauge Cartridge Belt

Vintage 12 Gauge Cartridge Belt


Antique Gun Powder Flask Leather and Brass

Antique Gun Powder Flask Leather and Brass


Vintage Art Deco Style Aeroplane Desk Ornament

Vintage Art Deco Style Aeroplane Desk Ornament


WW1 The Border Regiment Cap Badge White Metal with Brass Slider

WW1 The Border Regiment Cap Badge White Metal with Brass Slider


WW1 Trench Art Military Cigarette Lighter Brass Body with George V Half Penny Top and Bottom

WW1 Trench Art Military Cigarette Lighter Brass Body with George V Half Penny Top and Bottom


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Merchiston Castle School (Edinburgh) Officer Training Corps Swagger Stick

Vintage Merchiston Castle School (Edinburgh) Officer Training Corps Swagger Stick


Vintage GRVI Military Police Swagger Stick

Vintage GRVI Military Police Swagger Stick


Vintage RAF Beret with White Metal Cap Badge

Vintage RAF Beret with White Metal Cap Badge


Antique Pair of Felt Ankle Gaiters Buttoned on the Inner Legs and Secured with Leather Straps

Antique Pair of Felt Ankle Gaiters Buttoned on the Inner Legs and Secured with Leather Straps


Sorry Now Sold Lovat Scouts Cap Badge with Motto "Je Suis Prest"

Lovat Scouts Cap Badge with Motto "Je Suis Prest"


Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives

Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Scottish Military Dirk and Scabbard

Vintage Scottish Military Dirk and Scabbard


WW1 Trench Art Easel Photo Frame Commemorating Poelcapelle British Cemetery

WW1 Trench Art Easel Photo Frame Commemorating Poelcapelle British Cemetery


Sorry Now Sold WW1 1897 Pattern George V Infantry Officers Sword with Leather Scabbard

WW1 1897 Pattern George V Infantry Officers Sword with Leather Scabbard


Vintage African Tribal Spear Possibly Kenyan Pokot Tribe

Vintage African Tribal Spear Possibly Kenyan Pokot Tribe


Vintage RAF Ordinary Airman's Peaked Cap c/w Brass Cap Badge

Vintage RAF Ordinary Airman's Peaked Cap c/w Brass Cap Badge


Sorry Now Sold 5th Volunteer Battalion (Deeside Highland) Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge

5th Volunteer Battalion (Deeside Highland) Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge


Sorry Now Sold WW1 The Royal Highlanders Black Watch Cap Badge

WW1 The Royal Highlanders Black Watch Cap Badge


WW1 Tyneside Scottish White Metal Cap Badge

WW1 Tyneside Scottish White Metal Cap Badge


WW2 Silver Enamel Worcestershire Regiment Sweetheart Bar Brooch

WW2 Silver Enamel Worcestershire Regiment Sweetheart Bar Brooch


Vintage Royal Army Ordnance Corps Silver & Enamel Sweetheart Badge

Vintage Royal Army Ordnance Corps Silver & Enamel Sweetheart Badge


WW2 Clinometer Mortar Mk IV No 730 Circa 1944

WW2 Clinometer Mortar Mk IV No 730 Circa 1944


Antique Brass Bodied 12B Combination Shotgun Cartridge Roll Over Tool with Cartridge Extractor and Brass Capping / De-capping Tool

Antique Brass Bodied 12B Combination Shotgun Cartridge Roll Over Tool with Cartridge Extractor and Brass Capping / De-capping Tool


Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders White Metal Cap Badge

Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders White Metal Cap Badge


Sorry Now Sold Vintage WW2 Gordon Highlanders Officers Leather Sporran

Vintage WW2 Gordon Highlanders Officers Leather Sporran


British Naval Warships Plaster Plaques Renown, Repulse, Valliant, Oracle, Resolution, Superb, Olympus, Warspite, ?OU? SMS

British Naval Warships Plaster Plaques Renown, Repulse, Valliant, Oracle, Resolution, Superb, Olympus, Warspite, ?OU? SMS

£3 each

Vintage Folding Case Opera / Field Glasses

Vintage Folding Case Opera / Field Glasses


Royal Army Pay Corps Metal Cap Badge

Royal Army Pay Corps Metal Cap Badge


Scots Guards Assn Lapel Badge

Scots Guards Assn Lapel Badge


WW1 Souvenir Badge 1914 - 1918

WW1 Souvenir Badge 1914 - 1918


Sorry Now Sold British Army Issue Tam O Shanter with Queens Own Highlanders (Seaforth / Cameron Highlanders) Patch and Badge

British Army Issue Tam O Shanter with Queens Own Highlanders (Seaforth / Cameron Highlanders) Patch and Badge


Framed Collection of 6 Silk WW1 Military Xmas / Greetings Cards

Framed Collection of 6 Silk WW1 Military Xmas / Greetings Cards


Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Staybrite Bi Metal Cap Badge

Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Staybrite Bi Metal Cap Badge


Sorry Now Sold Antique Print "The Thin Red Line" by Robert Gibb

Antique Print "The Thin Red Line" by Robert Gibb


Pair of Binoculars / Galilean Field Glasses

Pair of Binoculars / Galilean Field Glasses


Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives

Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives


WW2 Steel Brodie Helmet with Liner

WW2 Steel Brodie Helmet with Liner


Sorry Now Sold Antique Military Snare Drum

Antique Military Snare Drum
