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Vintage Map of the London Midland and Scottish Railway and its Connections Printed in 1939
Vintage Official Railway Map of Scotland Published by the British Transport Commission Railway Clearing House London 1960
Vintage Chad Valley Tin Lithograph World Globe
Vintage Italian Polished Brass Desk Top Bible Stand
Victorian Family Bible with Full Exposition and Notes and Numerous Illustrative Engravings by The Rev John Brown

Victorian Holy Bible 'The National Illustrated Family Bible with the Commentaries of Scott and Henry'
Antique Walnut Revolving Bookcase with Adjustable Shelves
Sorry Now Sold
Vintage Scottish Oak Church Bible Stand / Book Rest
Mid Century Mahogany Revolving Bookcase / Display Cabinet / CD Rack
Vintage Cloth Bartholomew's Maps of Scottish Regions
£9 each
Vintage Oil Painting of Robert Burns Signed H R Wilson (After the Original by Alexander Nasmyth in 1787)