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Vintage Replica 1828 Pattern Scottish Broadsword
Antique 1897 Pattern Picquet Weight British Infantry Officer's Sword with Brown Leather Scabbard by Hill Brothers 3 Old Bond Street London
Sorry Now SoldVintage Scottish Sgian Dubh with Silver Plated Mounts
Sorry Now SoldVintage Replica Scottish Basket Hilt Broadsword
Sorry Now SoldRenaissance Revival Scottish Basket Hilted Broadsword
Vintage Richards Sheffield Scout Knife with Main Blade and Marlin Spike
Vintage William Rodgers Serrated Edge Dagger Carved Bone Handle with Silver Plated Mounts
Vintage Richards Sheffield England Pipe Smokers Knife
Sorry Now SoldWW1 GRV 1897 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword and Parade Scabbard Made by Fenton Brothers Sheffield Sword Cutlers to the War Office
Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives
Vintage Gurkha Kukri in Leather Sheath c/w 2 Karda Knives
Vintage Small Sheath Knife G Butler & Co Sheffield England In Leather Sheath
Vintage Horn Handled Knife in Leather Sheath Tang Marked Bell Bowie
Sorry Now SoldVintage Leather Handled William Rogers I Cut My Way Knife in Leather Sheath

Antique Pair of Rotheram & Bagshaw Cut Throat Razors in Original Leather Bound Double Coffin Box