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Victorian Copper Brass Samovar Urn with Ceramic Handles
Antique Butlers Bell Box complete with Bell and Bell Push Test Box
Sorry Now SoldVintage Set of 6 French Copper Graduated Cooking Pots and Frying Pan with Cast Iron Handles
Vintage Set of 9 Copper Graduated Cooking Pots with Brass Handles
Vintage Hardwood Nut Bowl with Brass Ships Wheel Nut Cracker

Antique Blue / Gilt Comport / Tazza Cake Stand

Vintage Balmoral Castle Coffee Mug and Saucer

Vintage Leonardo Collection Wise Owl Graduation Decorative Novelty Teapot

Antique Silver Plated Trio of Thistle Pattern Bon Bon / Sweet Dishes

Vintage Pair of Art Deco Style Dumb Waiter / Card Stands
Sorry Now Sold