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Home > Our Products > Jewellery > 925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone

925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone 925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone 925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone
925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone 925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone 925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone

Sold - 925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone


Tags: JewellerySilver

Item Code: 673

925 Silver Brooch with Amethyst Coloured Stone

Marked 925


3/8" high x 1 1/2" long x 1/2" deep (10mm x 40mm x 12mm)