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Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop
Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop

Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop


Tags: Domestic & Appliances

Item Code: 121

Rolls Safety Razor In Box with Sharpening Stone and Strop

Circa 1930s


1" high x 6" long x 3" wide (25mm x 150mm x 75mm)