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Arts & Crafts Oak Liberty Style Hexagonal Sewing Box
Vintage Counter Top Coin Op Cigarette Vending Machine
Arts & Crafts English Oak and Brass Coal Purdonium by S Hall & Son Cabinet & Brass Founders Birmingham
Victorian Copper Brass Samovar Urn with Ceramic Handles
Sorry Now SoldVictorian Gothic Revival Carved Oak Purdonium

Antique Veritas Lamp Works Oil Lamp
Antique Butlers Bell Box complete with Bell and Bell Push Test Box
Sorry Now SoldVintage Set of 6 French Copper Graduated Cooking Pots and Frying Pan with Cast Iron Handles
Vintage Set of 9 Copper Graduated Cooking Pots with Brass Handles
Antique Sun Sculpture Stereoscope and 50 Photos Manufactured by Underwood & Underwood New York
Mid Century Coat / Hat / Umbrella Stand
Edwardian Turned Wood Pipe Smokers Set on Tray
Vintage Hardwood Nut Bowl with Brass Ships Wheel Nut Cracker
Vintage Cold Painted Spelter Pheasant Match Striker with Wand
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Vintage Rototherm Desktop Thermometer with Brown Bakelite

Vintage Leonardo Collection Wise Owl Graduation Decorative Novelty Teapot

Antique Silver Plated Trio of Thistle Pattern Bon Bon / Sweet Dishes

Vintage Grey Rattan Stair Step Washing Basket
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Antique Magic Lantern with Beards Eclipse Patent Slide Carrier

Antique Railway Trackside Telephone Bakelite, Wood and Brass

Antique Railway Signal Box Telephone Bakelite, Brass and Wood

Vintage Deer Foot Handle Letter Opener Souvenir of "Aberfeldy"
Vintage African / Asian Horsehair Fly Switch
Victorian Oak & Cast Iron Knife Cleaner / Sharpener Made by F. Heyningen Late Stoneman & Co
Antique Wooden Butter Churn
Victorian Hand Made Oak Cased Rim Lock Complete with Key
Sorry Now SoldAntique Gentleman's Shaving Stand with Adjustable Mirror
Vintage Set of 5 Schweppes Clear Glass Bottles Embossed with Royal Crest and By Appointment
Sorry Now SoldMid Century Wooden Sewing Box with One Piece Roll Top / Tambour Lid and 2 Sliding Storage Sections
Vintage Black & White Enamel Bread Bin with Ventilated Lid
Antique Steelyard / PeaScale Weighing Apparatus Marked T Bourne 32 for Thomas Bourne Birmingham Scale Beam Maker Circa 1830s
Vintage GPO Pyramid Telephone Model 1/232L complete with Pull Out Drawer
Antique Pine & Bentwood Staved Bucket
Arts & Crafts Hammered Copper Ashtray
Vintage Ericsson Railway Type Telephone Model N1174

Antique Amber and Meerschaum Cheroot Holder By A Dubois Paris

Antique Pair of Rotheram & Bagshaw Cut Throat Razors in Original Leather Bound Double Coffin Box