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Victorian Walnut Marquetry Inlaid Freestanding Davenport
Arts & Crafts Oak Liberty Style Hexagonal Sewing Box
Sorry Now SoldVictorian Leather Bound Jewellery Box Complete with Lock & Key
Vintage Mahogany Counter Top Cash Register
Vintage Counter Top Coin Op Cigarette Vending Machine
Rare Antique Clock Shaped Mauchline Ware Penny Bank 'Royal Exchange Glasgow'
Antique Honey Oak Wedge Shaped Stationery Box
Antique Walnut Revolving Bookcase with Adjustable Shelves
Vintage Alligator Skin Leather Document / Music Bag
Edwardian Turned Wood Pipe Smokers Set on Tray
Antique Brass Desktop Pipe Stand Nautical Design complete with 3 Briar Pipes
Victorian Leather Bound Jewellery Box Complete with Bramah London Lock & Key
Sorry Now SoldEdwardian Oak Smoker's Cabinet with Ornate Carved Door Panels and Original Ceramic Tobacco Jar and Dishes

Vintage Oriental Lacquered Jewellery Box Decorated with Gilt and Mother of Pearl