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Vintage Map of the London Midland and Scottish Railway and its Connections Printed in 1939
Vintage Official Railway Map of Scotland Published by the British Transport Commission Railway Clearing House London 1960
Vintage Triang Jones KL44 Pressed Steel Mobile Crane
Vintage Louis Marx Lumar Contractors Pressed Steel Crane
Art Deco Style Desktop Model Seaplane Flying Boat
Sorry Now SoldVintage Mettoy Clockwork Tractor with Tipping Trailer, Mowing Machine and Hay Rake

Edwardian Pair of Carriage Driving Lamps
Vintage Wooden Model Avro Lancaster Bomber
Vintage Motorcycle Gauntlets English Made Brand Black Leather Wool Lined

Antique Railway Trackside Telephone Bakelite, Wood and Brass

Antique Railway Signal Box Telephone Bakelite, Brass and Wood