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Home > Our Products > Art > Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture

Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture
Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture

Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture


Tags: ArtReligiousTextiles & Clothing

Item Code: 80

Georgian Silk Embroidered and Hand Painted Mourning Picture

Oval Picture in a Black Lacquered Frame

Circa Early 19th Century


22" high x 20" wide x 1" deep (560mm x 510mm x 25mm)