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Vintage Decca The Rally Gramophone Player with Snakeskin Effect Case

Vintage Decca The Rally Gramophone Player with Snakeskin Effect Case


Antique Leather Horse Harness Bells

Antique Leather Horse Harness Bells


Vintage Horse Driving Harness Collar

Vintage Horse Driving Harness Collar


Vintage Cold Painted Spelter Pheasant Match Striker with Wand

Vintage Cold Painted Spelter Pheasant Match Striker with Wand


Vintage Mounted Taxidermy Rams Horns

Vintage Mounted Taxidermy Rams Horns


Vintage Large Highly Embellished Elephant Figure

Vintage Large Highly Embellished Elephant Figure


Sorry Now Sold Victorian Ram's Horn and Silver Plate Stag Figure Candle Holder

Victorian Ram's Horn and Silver Plate Stag Figure Candle Holder


Vintage Wooden Hand Painted Serving Tray / Wall Art

Vintage Wooden Hand Painted Serving Tray / Wall Art


Sorry Now Sold Antique Horse Sleigh / Harness Bells Set of 9 Graduated Numbered Brass Open Bells

Antique Horse Sleigh / Harness Bells Set of 9 Graduated Numbered Brass Open Bells


Sorry Now Sold Antique Cased Taxidermy Roach in Naturalistic River Bed Setting

Antique Cased Taxidermy Roach in Naturalistic River Bed Setting


Vintage Set of 3 Sylvac Pottery Elephants

Vintage Set of 3 Sylvac Pottery Elephants


Mid 19th Century Robert Wells Horse Belfry / Latten Bells

Mid 19th Century Robert Wells Horse Belfry / Latten Bells


Antique Sycamore Double Oxen Yoke

Antique Sycamore Double Oxen Yoke


Vintage Ceramic Poodle Figure by Willie Forbes Braemar

Vintage Ceramic Poodle Figure by Willie Forbes Braemar


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Ceramic Boxer Dog Figure by Willie Forbes Braemar

Vintage Ceramic Boxer Dog Figure by Willie Forbes Braemar


Vintage Ceramic Shih Tzu Dog Figure Signed by Willie Forbes Braemar

Vintage Ceramic Shih Tzu Dog Figure Signed by Willie Forbes Braemar


Antique Oryx Gemsbok Taxidermy Mounted Horns

Antique Oryx Gemsbok Taxidermy Mounted Horns


Antique Taxidermy Hen and Cock Pheasant with Stoat

Antique Taxidermy Hen and Cock Pheasant with Stoat


Sorry Now Sold Vintage Cockerel Weather Vane

Vintage Cockerel Weather Vane


Vintage Pecking Bird Cigarette Dispenser Inlaid Rosewood Box

Vintage Pecking Bird Cigarette Dispenser Inlaid Rosewood Box


Vintage Pair of Carved Iron Wood Rhinoceros

Vintage Pair of Carved Iron Wood Rhinoceros


Vintage Brass Eagle Statue

Vintage Brass Eagle Statue


Goebel "Cedar Waxwing" Figurine 88024

Goebel "Cedar Waxwing" Figurine 88024


Beswick "Bullfinch" Figurine 1042

Beswick "Bullfinch" Figurine 1042


Pair Staffordshire Pottery Lions

Pair Staffordshire Pottery Lions


Pair of Staffordshire Pottery Spaniels "Wally Dogs"

Pair of Staffordshire Pottery Spaniels "Wally Dogs"


Vintage Pair of Leather Bound Elephants

Vintage Pair of Leather Bound Elephants


African Wooden Carved Giraffe

African Wooden Carved Giraffe


Antique Pair of Staffordshire Pottery Spaniels (Wally Dogs)

Antique Pair of Staffordshire Pottery Spaniels (Wally Dogs)


African Wooden Carved Crocodile

African Wooden Carved Crocodile


19th Century Display of Taxidermy Birds

19th Century Display of Taxidermy Birds


Wooden Carved Sleeping Cat Figure

Wooden Carved Sleeping Cat Figure


Wooden Carved Elephant

Wooden Carved Elephant


Rams Horns Mounted on Oak Plaque

Rams Horns Mounted on Oak Plaque


Large Cast Brass Eagle on Log

Large Cast Brass Eagle on Log


Tapestry of a Peacock

Tapestry of a Peacock


Brass Prancing Horse

Brass Prancing Horse


Bronze Effect Trotting Horse

Bronze Effect Trotting Horse


Wooden Prancing Horse

Wooden Prancing Horse


Royal Doulton Shire Mare

Royal Doulton Shire Mare
